Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Me telling mom she's pretty like Ginger on Giligan's Island

This was just a bizarre conversation between me and my mom, but shows the unconditional love that helped me through. I liked cracking my teeth together a lot during the hospital stay.

Mom: what were you thinking about me?
Me: I was thinking about you?
Mom: What were you thinking about, honey?
Me: about the gum
Mom: what were you thinking?
Me: (I crack my teeth together and struggle to say something)
Mom: Are you afraid you’ll hurt your teeth? Mom…who am I?
Me: Do you know, do you know, hello? Do you know how in Gilligan’s Island there’s Ginger?
Mom: mm hmm
Me: I used to think you ere pretty just like her.
Mom: Did you really? Like Ginger??!!??
Me: yes…I used to think you were so pretty
Mom: Aren’t I anymore? Have I gotten ugly?
Me: no…you’re very pretty
Mom: for an old lady, huh?
Me: you’re very pretty right now, mom.
Mom: You know why? Because my heart is so filled with love for you.
(I crack my teeth together again and mom grabs my jaw)
Me: Oww!
Mom: Don’t do that
Me Don’t Don’t Don’t MOM Don’t ok? STOP GRABBING ME!
Mom: I don’t want you to bang your teeth together you’ll break your teeth.
Me: Mom..stop grabbing me
Mom: why do you do that?
Me: I don’t know
Mom: then don’t do it
Me: stop grabbing me ok? Please
Mom: just don’t do that to your teeth again
Me: OK Im sorry mom
Mom: Im sorry
Me: Im sorry
Mom: Im sorry
Mom: Lets kiss and make up
Me: Ok..Im sorry mom
Mom: You don’t have to say you’re sorry…you’re forgiven
Me: Im sorry mom
Mom: You know it’s unconditional…I love you
Me: it is unconditional
Mom: Yes…it always has been
Me: it’s unconditional that I love you too. Im sorry mom, im sorry.
Mom: just don’t grind your teeth together like that, you’re going to break your teeth
Me: what time are they aren’t ready?
Mom: operate on you? Tomorrow morning
Me: what time?
Mom: 10:30
Me: 10:30 to what time?
Mom: probably 2:30..then I’ll be here to see you. I’ll be here with you all day.
Me: really?
Mom: mm hmm
Me: thank you
Mom: it won’t hurt too much, you won’t feel anything.
Me: I’m supposed to work tomorrow. Yuck.
Mom: you’re in the hospital… you can’t work.
Me: I know, I can’t work. I’m supposed to work though, at the site.
Mom: you’re at the site… you’re at the Mission Hospital site.
Me: I know… mom, will you help me find another job when I get out of here?
Mom: Yeah…you’re gonna have..when you get out
Me: help me
Mom: When you get out of here
Me: help me
Mom: you’re gonna have a lot of work to do
Me: help me, mom
Mom: you don’t need another job.
Me: help me
Mom: for a long time.
What do you want me to help you with?
Me: help me with money. PLEASE! PLEASE!! HELP ME! HELP ME!
Mom: OK…I’ll give you all the money you want…o.k.?
Me: O.k. Mom…
Mom: all the money you want. How much money do you need?
Me: about a dollar
Mom: I’ll give it to you…all that you want
Me: a dollar fifty
Mom: o.k., I’ll give it to you
Me: Mom…that’s how much I need mom
Mom: o.k.
Me: (louder) Mom…that’s all that I need
Mom…Mom..all that I need
Mom: o.k.
Me: tomorrow…shut this off, mom
Mom: o.k….
(turns off then back on)
mom: tell the recorder
Me: I love you an awful lot mom
Mom: how much?
Me: an awful lot
Mom: you really love me lots and lots?
Me: an awful heck of a lot!
Mom: Ok…I love you too
Me: I love you too mom.
Mom: OK..smack!

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard Ginger (Tina Louise)sing?...
